Within the Unfunny Joke Lurks The Hilarious Despair


It is the joke form which both recognizes and embraces the madness and futility of being. It is the joke where we find that it is precisely by avoiding the joke that we reveal the suffering that is hilarity.

You indeed face the gaping chasm of despair, the total obliteration of meaning. Yet in the horror that underscores your understanding of the very utter blackity emptiness of the universe, you see that the substance of nothingness is but a black chalkboard, upon which you still have a broken piece of wet chalk, to write, screeching:

Behold The Angst-Jöken!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

With A Chaser of Warm, Flat 7-UP

 Hijacked Navy Seal Joke

Three ex Navy Seals walk into a bar.  Noticing that one is quite a bit shorter than the others, the bartender asks him if being small presented any special challenges as a Seal.  The short Seal pulls out a gun and shoots him in the face, killing him instantly.  Then he picks up the body to try to drag it away, and goes: "Wow, this guy is huge. Can you guys give me a hand?"

The other Seal kindly pours him a glass of straight, warm, inexpensive vodka.

Navy Seal Joke, Version III

Three ex Navy Seals walk into a bar. Noticing that one is quite a bit shorter than the others, the bartender asks him if being small presented any special challenges as a Seal. The short Seal goes: "It's very hard to capture that particular Navy SEAL feeling of having achieved a very great deal in the service of a corrupt and heartless hegemon while simultaneously fully experiencing the emptiness of all human existence, especially when firearms are involved."

The bartender kindly pours him a glass of straight, warm, inexpensive vodka.

Navy Seal Joke, The Missing Version II

Three ex-Navy Seals walk into a bar, noticing that one is quite a bit shorter than the others, the bartender asks him if being small presented any special challenges as a Seal.  "Not really," says a 4th Navy Seal, who is silently weeping on top of a club sandwich.

The bartender kindly pours him a tiny glass of straight, warm, inexpensive vodka.

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